
Showing posts from September, 2022

All About The Making of Nano-emulsion CBD Softgels

  Similar simplicity applies to CBD nanoemulsion. CBD oil is spread among nanodroplets during the nano emulsification process. The size of nanoemulsions is what makes them so effective for medications. Because nano-emulsified CBD droplets are so much tiny than "regular" CBD droplets, they can reach parts of the body and brain that are difficult to access. The surface area of Nano-emulsion CBD Softgels is likewise significantly greater. This may first appear contradictory because, after all, we're dealing with tiny droplets. In order to have efficient biology, there must be an increase in surface area. Why? Because a larger surface area provides more room for enzyme activity, information processing, and sending and receiving signals. This is the exact reason why the human brain has its distinctive folds. More surface area equates to more neurons, which increases processing capability. Similar to that, the small intestine has a surface area of around 2,700 square feet! Mor